Sunday, 16 February 2020

BREAKING: 2021 Virgin Australia Superfords?

So, the Holden name will be deleted forever at the end of 2020.
This is, of course, very sad, although it isn't unexpected, considering that Holden pulled out back in 2017.

Since this is happening, it looks like the Holden brand will also disappear from the Supercars grid next year, which would mean that, unless a new manufacturer is found, we could potentially have a one-make grid in 2020.

Holden has a long history, so it is had that it has been lost, but, considering the cars they made were rubbish, it shouldn't be a surprise that this has happened.

The job losses do hurt, however, and this isn't fun. But that's business, sadly.

The Superloop 500 is on this weekend, however, and I will be covering it as best I can, so look forward to it. Sadly, it'll be covered on my backup account, as I think my main account has been hacked.

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