Sunday, 5 March 2017

Explanation of Weird Fractions in Teams and Manufacturer's championship

So for those of you who have noticed, I have a new system for determining the champion Team and Manufacturer. And this is based on the number of drivers in a team.

So for example, if during the course of a race Todd Kelly finished in the bottom 5, Simona De Silvestro finished last and Rick Kelly finished in the bottom three, considering that there are four drivers in Nissan Motorsports, then the total number of last-place finishes, bottom 3 finishes and bottom-five finishes would be added up (Simona would add 1 to Bottom 3 and Bottom 5, while Rock Kelly adds 1 to Bottom 3 and Bottom 5, while Todd Kelly adds 1 to bottom 5). The same applies to the Nissan Manufacturer, because those four drivers make up all the drivers that drive Nissans.

So, let's calculate.

The Team's championship would go like this.
1. Nissan Motorsports 4 Drivers 1/4 Lat-Place Finishes. 1/2 Bottom 3 and 3/4 Bottom Five.

Manufacturer's Championship
1. Nissan 4 Drivers 1/4 Last-Place Finishes, 1/2 Bottom 3 Finishes, 3/4 Bottom Five finishes.

It saves hassle, that's all.

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